
The purpose of the Consortium is to provide a public service for the management and treatment of solid urban waste, in accordance with the provisions of local and environmental legislation.

The aims of the Consortium are:

To provide an integrated solution to the management needs of the waste generated in the Maresme region, with the inclusion of those waste streams that the Consortium manages from other regions, such as Vallès Oriental, on the basis of the different inter-territorial agreements.

To achieve this objective, the Consorci is committed to a value proposition that allows the development and application of the concept of Circular Economy in the territory, with a comprehensive, realistic and practical vision of waste as a resource within a framework of the inexorable depletion of natural resources, while promoting environmental and socio-economic improvement in the Maresme.

Based on this essential approach, the Consortium manages the different generations of infrastructures and recovery facilities necessary to carry out an effective and efficient public service that meets the environmental needs of the territory and its citizens.
Also, the construction, conservation and maintenance of the works and installations of waste treatment plants and any other activity that may derive from the aforementioned treatment.

The Consortium is the owner of the Maresme Integral Centre for Waste Recovery, where all waste not collected selectively, the so-called REMAINDER fraction, characterised by its great heterogeneity, is treated. The centre serves approximately 1 million inhabitants.

The Centre has a transfer service for the municipal organic fraction (FORM), glass and light packaging for the municipalities in the Maresme consortium. This waste is transferred to the corresponding material recovery centres.


Representatives of the Consortium

Permanent Comission


David Bote Paz (Alcalde Mataró)

David Bote Paz (Mataró Mayor)

Mariona Pasqual i Villahoz (Argentona Representative)

Albert Ventura i Viñals (Cabrera de Mar Representative)

Joan M. Ribes Artigas (Dosrius Representative)

M. Àngels Solà Jiménez (Sant Andreu de Llavaneres Representative)

Montserrat Garrido Romera (Sant Pol de Mar Mayor)

Sergi Igual i Molina (Vilassar de Dalt Representative)

Lluís Farrerons Peñarroya (Consell Comarcal Maresme Representative)

Marc Serra Solé (Diputació Barcelona Representative)

General Board

Oscar Zabia i Bargues (Alella Representative)
Domènec Massuet Torrent (Arenys de Mar Representative)
Jordi Maimí i Girbal (Arenys de Munt Representative)
Mariona Pasqual i Villahoz (Argentona Representative)
Albert Ventura i Viñals (Cabrera de Mar Representative)
Silvia Vallbona Blanch (Cabrils Representative)
Joaquim Arnó Porras (Caldes d’Estrac Representative)
Marc Buch i Rigola (Calella Mayor)
Coia Tenas Martínez (Canet de Mar Representative)
Joan M. Ribes Artigas (Dosrius Representative)
Sílvia Folch Sánchez (El Masnou Representative)
M. Àngels Solà Jiménez (Sant Andreu de Llavaneres Representative)
Sònia Viñolas Mollfulleda (Malgrat de Mar Mayor)
David Bote Paz (Mataró Mayor)
José Antonio Ricis Saavedra (Mataró Representative)
Xavier Masgrau González (Òrrius Mayor)

Jordi Villaret Sayago (Palafolls Representative)
Xavier Amor i Martín (Pineda de Mar Mayor)
Josep Triadó i Bergés (Premià de Dalt Mayor)
Rafael Navarro Álvarez (Premià de Mar Mayor)
Àngel Jaime Mondéjar Grané (Sant Cebrià de Vallalta Representative)
Albert Auladell i Beltran (Sant Iscle de Vallalta Representative)
Montserrat Garrido Romera (Sant Pol de Mar Mayor)
Esther Térmens Cañabate (Sant Vicenç de Montalt Representative)
Joan Campolier Montsant (Santa Susanna Mayor)
Gemma Rosell Duran (Teià Mayor)
Sergi Masó Martínez (Tordera Representative)
Sergi Igual i Molina (Vilassar de Dalt Representative)
Gerard Grau Salvany (Vilassar de Mar Representative)
Lluís Farrerons Peñarroya (Consell Comarcal Maresme Representative)
Marc Serra Solé (Diputació Barcelona Representative)
