The Maresme Consortium for Municipal Solid Waste Treatment is an administrative organisation formed by Barcelona City Council, the Maresme County Council and 28 towns in the Maresme area

Consortium Town Councils


Statistical Data


Open Government and Transparency


A Tour of the Plant


Latest News

The synthesis gas obtained from the gasification of forest biomass offers the opportunity to produce biofuels that can replace fossil fuels, thus contributing to the decarbonisation of society The research is part of the BIOFORIN project, which involves the collaboration of six organisations: the Bioenergy Cluster of Catalonia, the Eurecat Technology Centre, the Catalan Federation...

Maresme Circular, the brand of the Maresme Waste Consortium, celebrated young talent by taking part this Thursday 6th June in the awards ceremony of the 6th edition of the Metrópolis FP Lab, a programme of the Barcelona Metropolitan Area and the BCN Vocational Training Foundation that aims to promote innovation and creativity among vocational training...

The introduction of iron oxides in the process of biomethanisation of organic waste has considerably reduced the levels of H2S, the main cause of bad odours The intensity of the odour at the plant could be further reduced after the implementation of a pilot test of a deodorisation system in the biomethanisation hall Maresme Circular,...
