The Maresme Consortium for Municipal Solid Waste Treatment is an administrative organisation formed by Barcelona City Council, the Maresme County Council and 28 towns in the Maresme area

Consortium Town Councils


Statistical Data


Open Government and Transparency


A Tour of the Plant


Latest News

The Maresme Integral Centre for Waste Recovery will incorporate a radioactive waste detection gantry and a continuous dioxin and furan sampling system to improve the safety and control of emissions from its facilities With a total investment of 260,557 euros, these improvements will be implemented to comply with the latest European regulations Maresme Circular is...

The project, unique and disruptive, aims to prevent, repair and reuse waste to extend the life cycle of products and minimize waste generation and the extraction of non-renewable resources The building’s design is committed to sustainability, integrating recovered building materials, renewable energies and a pedagogical architectural model With an investment of 40 million euros, the...

The new installation doubles the solar energy production of the Maresme Integral Centre for Waste Recovery to 852 MWh/year The electricity generated will be used entirely for the centre’s own consumption Maresme Circular is one of the main generators of renewable energies in Catalonia Maresme Circular is expanding the photovoltaic roof of its Integrated Waste...
